Despite adverse effects of corona measures, industry continues to score well within B2B

Despite the vicissitudes of the market and the negative effects of the corona measures in 2021 increases NPS (Net Promoter Score) from +29 in 2020 to +33 in 2021. The number of promoters (“recommenders”) increases slightly and the number of detractors (“nonrecommenders”) decreases. This once again makes the industry the top scoring customer experience industry. This is according to the benchmark report

Customer experience within the industry 2022′
from research and consulting firm Integron.

The impact of COVID-19 on customer experience in the Netherlands last year was still significant, but less prominent than in 2020; the year corona broke out. However, 2021 was a year of significant economic growth within the industry (source: Rabobank). Backlogs were cleared and demand increased. Despite these positive effects, the industry suffers from major personnel shortages, resource issues, price increases and supply problems of products and services. In 2022, here is the war in Ukraine and the persistence of pricetprice increases and inflation nog added to this.

“On spite all these developments affecting the operations of organizations, we see that within the industry, customer experience is receiving more and more attention. That translates to more customer experience surveys and the creation of positions such as a customer experience manager,” said Benjamin de Mooij, senior consultant on customer experience at Integron.

Best scoring industry

As mentioned, the industry is the top scoring customer experience industry. Again, it scored the highest of all industries in terms of average satisfaction: 8.3. “Customers are satisfied with the employees, notably about the account managers. The products, administration and provision of information also do well on the satisfaction ladder. Even the quality of complaint handling increased slightly: from a 7.1 to a 7.3. Still, this does remain one of the main areas for improvement for the industry. We also see issues around logistics and customer service support dropping slightly. This is largely due to the logistics problems in the market. But strangely enough, therefore, we do not see this effect reflected in the overall NPS, which has thus increased. Apparently customers find the logistics challenges annoying, but they show understanding for the situation and don’t judge companies for it.”

Differentiation through customer experience

According to De Mooij, attention to customer experience will increase further in the industry once the market returns to calmer waters. “The key is for companies to work on becoming more distinctive. This is often still difficult at the moment. But precisely structural attention to customer experience can certainly make a positive contribution to improving competitiveness. Themes that are important here include digitizing customer journeys, initiating a B2B track and trace experience, sustainability, innovation and continuing to surprise the customer.”

About NPS

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is measured using an 11-point scale from 0 to 10. Anyone who gives a 9 or 10 when asked if you would recommend an organization is a promoter. At a 7 or 8 you are a passive and at a 0 through 6 you are a detractor. The NPS is the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors.

About the benchmark report

Integron’s NPS benchmark report “Customer experience within the industry 2022” is based on more than 220 customer surveys conducted in 2021 in the industry sector.

Download het complete rapport:

Customer Experience in Nederland 2024

De grootste NPS-Benchmark van Nederland binnen B2B

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