Our people make the difference

Together we go for results. We do this with great enthusiasm and passion. Of course, fun is paramount at all times. The karaoke set is ready and the limoncello is always cold.

What we stand for


We don’t stop at small talk, but are genuinely interested in you, your organization, your employees and customers.


Together we go for results, in this we go all the way. “If only I had extra … if only I had a little more …?” are words you won’t hear in our office.

Enthusiasm and passion

Our hearts beat faster with improved scores, and when we talk about our profession, fire burns in our eyes.


Of course, fun is paramount at all times. We make the collaboration a party and in the office the limoncello is cold and the karaoke set is ready.

Meet team Integron

Sanne van de Baan

Project Coordinator

Grace Geeve

Research Consultant

Sophie van Koppen

Project Officer

Dennis Went

Program Development Manager

Raoul Tirtosentono

Program Manager CX

Guido van Buul


Benjamin de Mooij

BU Manager CX

Martijn van der Giessen

Project Officer

Hans Verplancke

Project Officer

Egbert Engelfriet

Managing Director

Brenda van der Lee

Research Consultant

Elise Kamhoot

Senior Research Consultant

Dielian Dijkhoff

Social media & contentmarketeer

Jasper Janssen

Sales Consultant

Markus Huibrechtse

Senior Research Consultant

Daan Wuite

Marketing Manager

Andrea van Velzen

Project Coordinator

Arjen Maliepaard

Managing Director

Carol Rijnenberg

Office Manager

Alex van Oord

Chief Data Officer | Manager of Project Coordination

Laura de Bruijn

Project Coordinator

Patrick van Amen

Product Owner

Marit Luijten

Senior Consultant

Monique Zevenbergen

Project Coordinator

Geralynn van Velzen

Project Officer

Tim Bernards

Project Coordinator

Jacinta Breijer

Brand Designer

Robert Mentink

BU Manager EX

Quinty van Linden

Research Consultant

Carolien Drooger

Graphic Designer

Joep Cats

Sales Consultant

Redmar van Rosse

Research Consultant

Will you join our team?

Would you like to be part of our team and make a difference with us? Check out our job openings and apply today! Together we can grow, learn and most of all enjoy the adventure ahead.
