Insights and continuous improvement

From getting to the core with all stakeholders, to actually getting to work with insights from customer and employee research. With the Integron consultancy services we help your organization understand feedback and assist you with lean improvement management. Meaning:
  • In addition to research, thorough dashboarding and information tools to really get to the heart of the matter with all stakeholders

  • Strategic sessions to continuously improve (lean) and get all the faces in the same direction when it comes to your customer and employee experience strategy

  • We help you both as part of your research and program, and with understanding and steering based on insight you already have

  • The longer-term goal is central

What this means specifically?

This depends on your strategy, your goals and your desires! This is how we gather insights and complement your research program with advisory services to make real impact and improve.

Determining your dot on the horizon

Strategic sessions to determine your strategic CX and EX goals and KPIs. As part of a program, or separately as a starting point for your organization.

Improve and evaluate to make real impact

With the Lean Six Sigma methodology we facilitate your continuous improvement plan. And with interim evaluation moments, we always keep a finger on the pulse to really make an impact.

impact door inzicht - consultancy

Customized insights that you can really use

Based on your goals, we help you with KPIs that you can steer by. Insights into customer and employee perceptions such as NPS, eNPS and satisfaction in all areas of the customer or employee journey including activation management. We do this with:

  • User dashboards: User-friendly dashboards tailored per user, so you only engage with the insights that matter

  • BI dashboard: For comprehensive analyses.

  • Customized reports: Key insights from the research and advice from our professionals.

  • Activation management: Deploy actions based on feedback to the appropriate employee. Also available for download as an app.

  • Info- and motion graphics: Visual representation of key themes from research in your own corporate identity. Low-threshold way to inform and thank customers and employees.

Understanding insights at every level within your organization

We share insights and improve at strategic, tactical and operational levels with improvement sessions, presentations and departmental dialogues. Facilitated by Integron.

  • At the strategic level / management level
    Connect to policy, and develop vision and idea for follow-up.

  • At the tactical level / management
    Organize ownership and responsibility for outcomes and actions in the organization.

  • At the operational level / employees
    Contribution thinking from the individual, alone or grouped through sessions and training.
Find out what we can do for you
Find out what we can do for you

Is my expectation also the same as the perception of my employees or customers?

Before, during or after your research or CX/EX program, we can use employee and customer journey sessions to mirror your experience with the experience of your employees and/or customers. All major touchpoints are covered in these (physical) sessions. It gives you quality input and opportunity for dialogue with your customer and/or employees.

Our services in practice:

In short, real impact we make together

Are you ready to move from research to strategic program and really work on your strategic goals, happy customers and happy employees?