Optimize the employee journey with employee journey research

Finding, retaining and engaging employees is essential in today’s job market. Creating true ambassadors and retaining valuable staff requires providing an optimal employee journey. The employee journey encompasses all the experiences, perceptions and expectations that employees have during their time with an organization. This process consists of three crucial parts: onboarding, development and offboarding.

Why Employee Journey Research?

Improving onboarding

With employee journey research, we can improve the onboarding of new employees so that they are introduced faster and better and feel right at home in the organization.

Tracking developments

We monitor developments that directly affect the daily work of employees so that we can make timely adjustments and respond to changes.

Reducing turnover

The survey helps us reduce employee turnover and gain valuable insights from employees who offboard.

Full insight into the Employee Journey:

Through the survey, we get a complete overview of the employee journey and identify key moments and touchpoints.

What do we do during an Employee Journey Survey?

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Working with the organization, we determine which moments in the journey we want to improve and which pain points need to be addressed. We identify the relevant employee segments and determine who should be involved.


With a group of employees and internal stakeholders, such as HR, Recruitment and Communications, we map out the employee journey. We analyze the different phases, identify expectations and pain points, and devise improvements.


Based on the mapped employee journey, we formulate a questionnaire, which we then administer to employees who are in a specific moment of the journey. We usually use a monthly frequency, but can also adjust it to weekly or daily.


After a period of 6 months, we jointly discuss and analyze the results. We re-engage a group of employees to re-map the current employee journey and see if the pain points are still current.

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Employee journey research in practice

The different stages in the Employee Journey highlighted:

Integron’s Employee Journey Program

Integron’s employee journey program includes a structured approach to optimizing the employee journey:

Journey Mapping with Employees

We start by mapping the journey in close collaboration with employees, giving us a good understanding of their experiences and needs.

Continuous adjustment at crucial moments

We constantly monitor the employee journey and make adjustments at the crucial moments so that we are always responsive to the needs of employees.

Engaging employees and increasing loyalty

We actively involve employees in the improvement process, making them feel heard and valued, which contributes to their loyalty to the organization.

Insight and Improvement after 6 Months

After a period of 6 months, we gain insight into new components from the journey and improve where necessary to continue to ensure the optimal employee journey.

Getting started with an Employee Journey survey?

With our employee journey research, we ensure your employees have a great experience within your organization, resulting in higher satisfaction, engagement and loyalty. An optimized employee journey is key to creating a strong bond between employees and your organization, which in turn ensures better performance and long-term collaboration.