Why good onboarding contributes to success

Attracting and retaining talent is increasingly challenging. Changing needs and wants make it essential for organizations to be more mindful of new employees. A positive onboarding experience plays a major role in this. Good onboarding offers several benefits:

  • New employees can quickly blend into their roles and contribute to the organization. This promotes productivity and helps achieve business goals.
  • It contributes to employee engagement from the beginning. A good start increases the likelihood that employees will feel emotionally connected to the organization and its goals.
  • A positive onboarding experience reduces the risk of leaving early. When employees feel valued and have a clear path for their development, they are more likely to stay.
  • Equipping new employees with the necessary knowledge and skills reduces the gap between expectations and reality. This results in a smoother transition and less frustration.

The success formula of good onboarding

The onboarding phase immediately sets the tone for the start of the employee’s employment. The level of attention paid to them tells a lot about the organizational culture. Creating a structured plan for the first 30, 60 and 90 days is very important. Consider how the new colleague will be introduced within the organization and who will be involved in this process. And how do you ensure good bonding even when a lot of work is done remotely?

It is abundantly clear that the induction period is hugely important for a new employee. Not only for the employee, but also for the organization. Yet this research shows that it is difficult to deliver on the fine promises made in the application process. Currently, as many as 26% of employees indicate that their preconceived image about the employer does not match the current reality. Among other things, employees feel that the challenge, opportunities for advancement, culture and working conditions differ from the image they were portrayed.

As many as 26% of employees indicate that their preconceived image of the employer does not match current reality

How to do it; tips for successful onboarding

  • Dust off your “buddy concept,” because from the very first moment of reception, everyone needs a friendly face they can turn to.
  • Organize an onboarding day. Give people an experience because it has lasting impact.
  • Everything you give attention to grows. Give sincere attention to your new employee. Recognition and appreciation are super important.
  • Provide resources that work well. Especially in situations where (a lot of) work is done from home, you want to prevent someone from feeling (digitally) on an island.
  • Remember that one’s adventure begins with the signature: the pre-boarding (i.e., from signature to first day).
Robert Mentink, Business Manager Employee Experience
Business Manager Employee Experience
Robert Mentink, expert op het gebied van werkbeleving, is ruim zeven jaar in dienst als senior consultant bij Integron. In zijn werk probeert hij organisaties bewuster te maken van hun medewerkerpotentieel. Gezamenlijk gaat hij met organisaties op zoek naar hoe ze de drijfveren van alle medewerkers optimaal kunnen inzetten zodat zij wél dat stapje extra zetten voor de organisatie, elkaar en de klant. ‘Ik haal energie uit opdrachtgevers die met ons deze stappen willen zetten om echt het beste uit hun organisaties, medewerkers en klanten te halen.’
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