1. Goal-oriented work

A clear goal is the key to successful feedback collection. Before collecting feedback, it is important to define what you want to accomplish with it. For example, do you want to increase employee satisfaction? Or increase engagement? By having a clear goal in mind, feedback can be collected in a focused manner and the results can be used effectively to make changes.

2. Determine relevant KPIs.

Determining relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is another important step. KPIs such as Employee Net Promoter Score(eNPS), response rate, pride, job happiness and leadership results can provide valuable insights about employee satisfaction. It is also good to compare these KPIs with industry results to have a point of reference and understand where the organization stands in comparison to others. Through these comparisons, weaknesses can be identified and targeted improvements made.

3. Setting a dot on the horizon

To measure progress and assess whether feedback retrieval has been successful, as an organization you set a dot on the horizon. This answers the question: where do you want to be in the future with the chosen KPIs? By setting measurable goals and time-bound targets, the organization can track progress and determine whether the measures taken are bearing fruit. This also helps communicate the vision and engage employees in efforts to improve the feedback culture.

4. Integration with existing initiatives

It is also important that feedback is consistent with existing initiatives and plans within the organization. Whether it’s a culture program, leadership program, merger or executives’ annual plans, feedback must be integrated into existing structures. For example, by using the A3 method (lean six sigma) as the basis for improvement plans, each manager can incorporate feedback into his or her plan in the same way. This promotes consistency and ensures that feedback does not remain isolated, but is actually turned into action.

5. Avoid overcharging employees

Furthermore, it is essential not to overask employees when it comes to feedback. It is better to have fewer moments of measurement, but with comprehensive and appropriate follow-up, than to continuously ask for feedback and do nothing with it. Choose set times throughout the year to collect feedback so employees know what to expect and consistency is created. Following up on feedback is just as important as collecting it.

6. Engaging stakeholders

Last but not least, the example must come from above. It is crucial that management is involved in collecting feedback, that the works council (OR) actively promotes the importance of feedback, and that HR is used to its best advantage. When managers recognize and support the importance of feedback, others will follow. Ensuring the involvement of all stakeholders paves the way for an effective feedback culture.

In short, retrieving employee feedback requires consistency, structure and regularity. The goal, determining relevant KPIs, setting a dot on the horizon and integrating with existing initiatives are all crucial elements. By taking this approach, organizations can create a culture of feedback that contributes to growth, improvement and employee well-being. What are your feedback challenges? We are happy to help you find the right solutions! Please contact us using the form below.

Robert Mentink, Business Manager Employee Experience
Business Manager Employee Experience
Robert Mentink, expert op het gebied van werkbeleving, is ruim zeven jaar in dienst als senior consultant bij Integron. In zijn werk probeert hij organisaties bewuster te maken van hun medewerkerpotentieel. Gezamenlijk gaat hij met organisaties op zoek naar hoe ze de drijfveren van alle medewerkers optimaal kunnen inzetten zodat zij wél dat stapje extra zetten voor de organisatie, elkaar en de klant. ‘Ik haal energie uit opdrachtgevers die met ons deze stappen willen zetten om echt het beste uit hun organisaties, medewerkers en klanten te halen.’
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