The reason to focus on sustainable employability is because Ewals Cargo Care is a growing organisation with currently 2,200 employees spread over 16 countries.
Director People and Organizational Development Sjoerd Ewals:
“As an employer we feel the obligation to work on a vital organisation that gets the maximum out of their employees. At the speed of change today, for example economically and technically, healthy, engaged and developed employees are needed to keep the company future-proof. We wanted to know what our employees were expecting of us and what their opinion is about our efforts to reach these expectations.”
The possibility to focus on sustainable employability arose when the focus on quality as a result of the previous studies started to pay off. Ewals: “Working on an even more professional appearance and further development of leadership had the highest priority.”
Employees of Ewals Cargo Care can be distinguished into 3 different function groups: drivers (45 percent), office (45 percent) and warehouse (10 percent). These function groups all have their own wishes and needs in many areas. For that reason, the segmentations have been chosen regarding sustainable employability. An internal benchmark drawn up offers a solution in providing insight in how the survey results of employees working in different function groups, but also in multiple organisation units, departments and countries relate to each other.
In contrast to the first survey, which was completely outsourced, and in which Integron took care of the preparation, the conduction, the analyzing part, and the report, this time Integron was involved more distanced. A tailor-made online results dashboard made it possible for Ewals Cargo Care to analyze and to make reports by themselves. The direction of the further improvement route, which was mapped out after an advisory meeting with Integron, is in hands of the Human Resources department of Ewals Cargo Care.
“In order to give employees the opportunity to develop themselves in sustainable employability, we consciously work on creating ‘slack’ in the organisation. The extra capacity enables employees to work on improvements in the work process and to spend time following training and education.”
Another initiative which has been deployed to stimulate the sustainable employability is the project “fit-to-perform”. Drivers always must deal with deadlines and always have to fit. For that reason, we launched a pilot project in which drivers are equipped with a “fit-bit”. A fit-bit makes it possible to measure your heartbeat and blood pressure, for example. These data can be analyzed in real time and subsequently be discussed periodically with an external vital coach. “
All in all, Sjoerd Ewals is proudly looking back on the latest survey. A response of 65 percent in a growing organisation reflects the commitment of our colleagues. The fact that we start working with the results, which is noticeable for our employees, makes the customer satisfaction survey a permanent survey in the future. In terms of results, we surpass even more the transport and logistics benchmark of Integron, which indicates we are performing better than the market average does. For example, when we recruit new employees, we can rely more and more on candidates with whom we came into contact through positive recommendations by existing employees. Recommendations where more and more will be spoken about sustainable employability.
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