Based on the results of this survey, the first steps towards improvement have already been taken. The information of the people and activation of the results has been realised through an interactive session. Following a presentation, a diverse group of employees separated into mixed teams considered how improvements on specific themes identified by the survey could be given shape. By discussing ideas and solutions with employees in different jobs, we charted out which employees are affected by the improvement theme and information from various points of view was used to formulate an idea for the follow-up.
Obtaining insight was the starting point for the Hendrik Veder Group to create a base of support for targeted improvement plans for each theme. The Hendrik Veder Group is aware of the importance of informing and activating the whole organisation, in order to be able to offer customers even more. A look behind the scenes from the customer’s perspective enriches the insight in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and offers targeted guiding information that can be used to come to a desirable solution together.
“First of all, the customer survey offered us insight into our customers and the themes that our customers considered important. Through a session organised by Integron, teams were formed, who went to work with the themes. The challenge for us now is to really make use of the results.”